Cloud Services

Cloudway is a Microsoft Azure Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) and an AWS partner. We offer our customers the expertise they need to design, migrate & optimize their business across public, private & hybrid clouds. Our expertise covers all types of cloud environments – private, hybrid & public – allowing us to help our clients maximize their technology investments. From initial assessment and transition to production to ongoing management and optimization, we assist our customers in successfully migrating and managing their business with capabilities that take full advantage of the features and performance benefits of the cloud environment.

Azure Services

Cloudway’s highly skilled and certified Azure experts can guide and assist our customers to fully leverage Azure’s benefits from cloud system pricing and design to implementation and 24×7 support. Our services cover both IaaS and PaaS deployments, with experienced consultants providing objective guidance on the right model for your business. We offer a complete set of Azure services, including architecture design, migration plan creation, testing and execution, and production implementations.

AWS Services

Thanks to Cloudway’s expertise across the entire AWS ecosystem and our strong partnership with highly specialized AWS partners, we can assist our customers to leverage the full power of AWS. Cloudway’s team of certified AWS experts guide our customers through their entire lifecycle of their cloud transition. Our consultants work closely with them from the very early stages assisting them to develop cloud strategies for competitive advantage, until the production cutoff providing ongoing support.

ORACLE Migration to AWS or Azure

One of the primary reasons that prevents migration to AWS or to Azure is the existence of Oracle as the RDBMS of the on-prem applications to be migrated. In most cases this is a showstopper. Thanks to our partnerships with EDB and CYBERTEC and to our experience in migrating and managing Oracle databases and applications, this is no longer a reason to halt the project. Cloudway knows well how to migrate Oracle Databases to the PostgreSQL flavors that are supported by AWS and Azure. We can also migrate Oracle to EDB BigAnimal®, which is a fully managed PostgreSQL cloud database on AWS and Azure.
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